The C Application Plugin provides the tasks, configurations and conventions for a building C application.


Example 1. Applying the C Application Plugin
plugins {
   id 'dev.nokee.c-application'
plugins {

Build variants

The C Application Plugin understands the following dimensions. Read the introduction to build variants for more information.

Operating system family - defaults to the build host

The operating system family expresses which environment the application targets. The supported operating system family are Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Machine architecture - defaults to the build host

The machine architecture expresses which architecture the application targets. The supported architecture are Intel instruction set for both 32 and 64 bit often referred as x86 and x86-64.

Both dimensions are configured together as part of the target machine. It expresses which machines the application expects to run. Nokee uses the target machine to decide which toolchain to choose based on availability on the host machine.

The target machine can be configured as follows:

Example 2. Configure application target machines
application {
    targetMachines = [
application {


The following diagram shows the relationships between tasks added by this plugin.

c application task graph
Figure 1. C Application Plugin default task graph

Variant-dependent Tasks

The C Application Plugin creates tasks based on the variants of the application component. Read the introduction to build variants for more information. The following diagram shows the relationship between variant-dependent tasks.

c application variant task graph
Figure 2. C Application Plugin variant-dependent task graph
compileVariantC (e.g. compileWindowsC and compileLinuxC) - CCompile

Depends on: All tasks that contribute source files to the compilation

Compiles C source files using the selected compiler.

objectsVariant (e.g. objectsWindows and objectsLinux) - Task (lifecycle)

Depends on: compileVariantC

Aggregates tasks that compile the source files to object files for the specific variant of this application.

linkVariant (e.g. linkWindows and linkLinux) - LinkExecutable

Depends on: All tasks which contribute to the link executable, including linkVariant and createVariant tasks from projects that are resolved via project dependencies

Links executable from compiled object files using the selected linker.

executableVariant (e.g. executableWindows and executableLinux) - Task (lifecycle)

Depends on: linkVariant

Aggregates tasks that creates the executable binary for the specific variant of this application.

assembleVariant (e.g. assembleWindows and assembleLinux) - Task (lifecycle)

Depends on: linkVariant

Aggregates tasks that assemble the specific variant of this application.

Lifecycle Tasks

The C Application Plugin attaches some of its tasks to the standard lifecycle tasks documented in the Base Plugin chapter - which the C Application Plugin applies automatically:

assemble - Task (lifecycle)

Depends on: link task for the current host, if present

Aggregate task that assembles the variant of the application for the current host (if present) in the project. This task is added by the Base Plugin.

check - Task (lifecycle)

Aggregate task that performs verification tasks, such as running the tests. Some plugins add their own verification task to check. This task is added by the Base Plugin.

build - Task (lifecycle)

Depends on: check, assemble

Aggregate tasks that perform a full build of the project. This task is added by the Base Plugin.

clean - Delete

Deletes the build directory and everything in it, i.e. the path specified by the Project.getBuildDir() project property. This task is added by the Base Plugin.

Dependency management

Just like the tasks created by the C Application Plugin, multiple configurations are created based on the variants of the application component. Read the introduction to build variants for more information. The following graph describes the configurations added by the C Application Plugin:

native application configurations
Figure 3. C Application Plugin configurations
  • The configurations in white are the ones a user should use to declare dependencies

  • The configurations in pink, also known as consumable denoted by (C), are the ones used when a component runs against the library

  • The configurations in blue, also known as resolvable denoted by (R), are internal to the component, for its own use

The following configurations are used to declare dependencies:


Used for declaring implementation dependencies for all variants of the main component. This is where you should declare dependencies of any variants.

variantImplementation (e.g. windowsImplementation and linuxImplementation) extends implementation

Used for declaring implementation dependencies for a specific variant of the main component. This is where you should declare dependencies of the specific variant.

The following configurations are used by downstream consumers that depend on the application component:

variantRuntimeElements (e.g. windowsRuntimeElements and linuxRuntimeElements) extends variantImplementation

Used for executing the application. This configuration is meant to be used by consumers, to retrieve all the elements necessary to run the application.

The following configurations are used by the application itself:

variantHeaderSearchPaths (e.g. windowsHeaderSearchPaths and linuxHeaderSearchPaths) extends variantImplementation

Used for compiling the application. This configuration contains the compile include roots of the application and is therefore used when invoking the C compiler to compile it.

variantLinkLibraries (e.g. windowsLinkLibraries and linuxLinkLibraries) extends variantImplementation

Used for linking the application. This configuration contains the libraries of the application and is therefore used when invoking the C linker to link it.

variantRuntimeLibraries (e.g. windowsRuntimeLibraries and linuxRuntimeLibraries) extends variantImplementation

Used for executing the application. This configuration contains the runtime libraries of the application.


The C Application Plugin adds conventions for sources and tasks, shown below.

Project layout

The C Application Plugin assumes the project layout shown below. None of these directories need to exist or have anything in them. The C Application Plugin will compile whatever it finds and ignore anything missing.


C source with extension of .c


Headers - headers needed to compile the application

Compile Task

The C Application Plugin adds a CCompile instance for each variant of the application component to build (e.g. compileWindowsC and compileLinuxC). Read the introduction to build variants for more information. Some of the most common configuration options are shown below.




configurations.variantHeaderSearchPaths + ${project.projectDir}/src/main/headers


automatically selected based on target machine

The C Application Plugin adds a LinkExecutable instance for each variant of the application — e.g. linkWindows and linkLinux. Read the introduction to build variants for more information. Some of the most common configuration options are shown below.


$buildDir/exe/main/variant/baseName (*nix) or $buildDir\exe\main\variant\baseName.exe (Windows)




automatically selected based on target machine